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Table/View Favorites

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Hi, I have a Question to work with Table/View Favorites. We have a Database Server with many Databases, one for each quarter (..., db_20094, db_20101, db_20102, ...), each Database contains around 1500 Tables, the same Tables in each database. If I make a Favorite to a Table/View, the database Name is included. And that's the Problem. I need a Favorite for each database, like <DynamicNode dbid="2" path="Connections/KVAI/Databases/db_20101/Tables/dbo.STM_KONFIG" tabindex="2" /> <DynamicNode dbid="2" path="Connections/KVAI/Databases/db_20102/Tables/dbo.STM_KONFIG" tabindex="2" /> How can i make the Favorite to an independent Favorite? Thank you USe

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Re: Table/View Favorites
USe, A favorite identifies a specific object in the database. Can you please give some more information regarding your request? Best Regards Roger
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Re: Table/View Favorites
Hi, i work in many Databases, all databases have the same Tables, but in each database different data. Each database has e.q. the table STM_KONFIG. if i want to have a favorite item to the Table STM_KONFIG, i have to do it for each database, e.g. one for database db_20094, one for db_20101, one for db_20102, ... It would be nice, if i could define a item to the table STM_KONFIG in the selected database or if i could chose the database when i select the favorite Item. Thank you USe
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Re: Table/View Favorites
USe, Thanks! This is currently not possible as each favorite identifies a specific object. I'll register your request for inclusion in a future version. Best Regards Roger