Some DB2 LUW users report that the following error occur while exploring the database objects tree:
An error occurred while executing the database request for: DB2/LINUX SQL09054 IBM DB2 JDBC Universal Driver Architecture 3.57.82 Short message: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-443, SQLSTATE=38553, SQLERRMC=SYSIBM.SQLTABLES; TABLES;SYSIBM:CLI:-805, DRIVER=3.57.82 The command that caused the problem: getTables Long Message: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-443, SQLSTATE=38553, SQLERRMC=SYSIBM.SQLTABLES; TABLES;SYSIBM:CLI:-805, DRIVER=3.57.82 Details: Type: Error Code: -443 SQL State: 38553
This error is most often related to the DB2 LUW server that has been upgraded with a fix pack. The problem is that there are a few additional steps to perform on the server to make JDBC work properly. Check the following web page for more information:
SQL0443N with diagnostic text "SYSIBM:CLI:-805". SQLSTATE=38553 when calling stored procedure SYSIBM.SQLXXXXXXX()