The following is a general description on how to edit table data using the variable substitution feature in DbVisualizer:

  1. Select a table in the Databases tab and open its Data tab in
  2. Right-click in the Data tab grid and open the Script to SQL Commander sub menu
The sub menu contains the following operations (all of them expect SELECT ALL requires at least one selected cell in the grid):

SELECT ALLGenerates a plain SELECT * FROM <table> statement
SELECT ALL WHEREGenerates a SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE <selected-columns>
SELECT ALL WITH FILTERProduces a SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE <current-filter>
INSERT INTO TABLEGenerates an INSERT INTO statement with no values
INSERT COPY INTO TABLEGenerates a INSERT statement with the same data as in the selected row
UPDATE WHEREProduces an UPDATE statement and prompts what columns should be included in the WHERE clause
DELETE WHEREProduces a DELETE statement and prompts what columns should be included in the WHERE clause

Choosing any of these operations will create a SQL statement and open in a new SQL Editor. Depending on the setting of Include Variables in SQL in Tools->Tool Properties and the General / Table Data category, the statement will either contains literals or DbVisualizer variables. DbVisualizer will prompt for values if SQLs executed in the SQL Commander contains variables.

DbVisualizer Pro includes a fully featured spreadsheet editing feature.