With Microsoft SQL Server, you can either let the database server or a Windows domain server handle the authentication. The database server handles it by default using the database user and password you enter for the connection.

Connect using the jTDS Driver

To let a Windows domain server handle the authentication, you can use the SQL Server (jTDS) JDBC driver (bundled with DbVisualizer).

If you run DbVisualizer on a Windows OS client in the same domain as the SQL Server database, leave the Database Userid and Database Password fields in the Connection tab empty. This is also known as Single-Sign On (SSO).

Note: SSO only works if you installed DbVisualizer using a Setup installer, not if you used an installation archive, because the installer also installs the DLL files needed for SSO.

If you run DbVisualizer on another OS in a network with a Windows domain server, enter the Authentication Domain name in the Options area in the Connection tab. You must also enter the domain user and and password in the Database Userid and Database Password fields. The driver then authenticates with the domain server and then uses those credentials to log in to the database server.

You may also have to set the following driver properties:

useNTLMv2=true (to send LMv2/NTLMv2 responses when using Windows authentication)

ssl=request (when SQL Server is set to require encrypted connection, then this assures that a connection can be established)

Connect using the Microsoft Driver

The following article describes how to use NativeAuthentication or JavaKerberos for SSO: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/jdbc/using-kerberos-integrated-authentication-to-connect-to-sql-server?redirectedfrom=MSDN&view=sql-server-ver16

Note that the driver property integratedSecurity=true must be set for both native and kerberos authentication schemas.