We have tested the following OAuth ways to connect to BigQuery.

OAuth 0 - Service Account

Requires that you create a service account in Google Cloud and create a JSON key. This JSON key is stored on a local file and you use this and the service account email to authenticate. In the Connection tab you select Connection Type = Service Account OAuth=0

OAuth 1 - User Account

Select Connection Type = User Account OAuth=1 in the Connection Tab.

The driver will pop-up a dialog where you get an URL. Copy the URL into a browser and log in via Google. You will get a token string that you paste into the same dialog where you copied the URL.

OAuth 3 - Application Default Credentials

This method requires you to download and install Google CLI https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install and follow instructions to create a local Application Default Credentials - ADC.

In the Connection Tab you select Connection Type = Application Default Credentials OAuth=3, login will be automatic using the local ADC you created.
We suggest that you use the Service Account and JSON key (OAuth=0).
Note: We also suggest that you set the following driver properties to avoid some minor issues with large result sets:

For more information about the JDBC driver possibilities to authenticate - read the documentation that can be found on the driver download page: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/odbc-jdbc-drivers