CData provides a commercial driver for Snowflake. The DbVisualizer team has not tested this driver, but some of our users have used it successfully. To set up a database connection using the CData driver, follow the following steps.

First, follow the instructions in the guide published by CData themselves ( When you are finished, you will have created a custom database driver and set up a new database connection using this new driver.

Now, configure the connection to use SSO:

  • Open the Snowflake connection you created earlier and update the Database URL field. Set User to  your SSO email address and AuthScheme to "ExternalBrowser".
  • Choose the Driver Properties node in the tree and set the driver property QueryPassthrough to true. Press "Apply".
  • Open the Properties tab and choose the Physical Connection node in the tree to the left and make sure that "Use a Single Shared Physical Connection" is checked. Press "Apply".