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One-Click 'select distinct values'

[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

in AQT, there is a button to select distinct values of a column in data tab. People use it a lot. in DBVis, we could a sub-menu item in SQL to Editor to do so if adding a button is not desired. The generated SQL should concern only the columns selected by users such as 'select distinct column1, column2 from tableA'. Regarding 'SQL to Editor', is it possible to allow end users to customize the menu items to add their own SQL such as 'select max(col), min(col) from tableA'. That will be very helpful and open up endless possibilities. Then later when customization of toolbar (icon/button) is added, users will have their one-click button for 'select distinct' and much more!

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Re: One-Click 'select distinct values'
Zolf, Sorry for the delay. This feature has not made it into DbVisualizer yet. Regards Roger
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Re: One-Click 'select distinct values'
Hello there, Has this feature been added to dbvis. cheers zolf
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Re: One-Click 'select distinct values'
Thanks Richard, I have registered a new RFE for supporting this. Regards Roger
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Re: One-Click 'select distinct values'
Here are the screen shots.
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Re: One-Click 'select distinct values'
Richard, Can you please post a screenshot of the AQT feature? Regards Roger