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Installing without GUI

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Hi, I am trying to install DbVisualizer on Mac OS X using install4j unattended mode (-q). In the previous version (9.1.11) this resulted in the installation being performed fully without GUI. In the current version (9.2) a GUI window briefly appears with the title "install4j Wizard", text "DbVisualizer Installer is preparing the install4j Wizard which will guide you through the rest of the setup process.", and a disabled "Cancel" button (screenshot also attached). Having this window does not allow me to automate DbVisualizer Mac OS X installation as a Homebrew Cask (, as their team seems to have a policy of only accepting non-GUI automated installations. Is there any additional command line parameters I need to fully suppress GUI, or is it a bug in the installer that can be fixed? Thanks in advance.

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Re: Installing without GUI
Sergey, Thanks for the report. This is a confirmed issue with the installation software. We will incorporate an update in a upcoming 9.2.x version. The workaround may be that you instead use the .tgz installer for Mac OS X. Regards Roger
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Re: Installing without GUI
Sergey, This is now fixed in the just released 9.2.1 version. Regards Roger