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Request: Auto-completion on SQL joins

[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

have been using free version of 4 for ages, and just bought v5.0 licence. Easy to setup, loads of new features, it has been great! well worth the money!! well done guys. Wondering tho, is there any chance to fit in an auto-completion for joins determined by FKs? e.g.: -- select * from CHILDREN c join PARENTS p ON c. ^^^ pops up parent_id = -- and / or -- select * from CHILDREN c, PARENTS p WHERE c. ^^^ again pops up parent_id = --- many thx!!
1 Comment

[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]

Re: Request: Auto-completion on SQL joins
Hi, Good idea! I'll add it to the list. Thanks! Regards Roger