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Filters and Sorting

[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

I would like to request a few features that I think might be useful. I'm working with a legacy application that has a database that uses triggers excessively. From the tree view in DBVisualizer there is no way to apply a filter to trigger or stored procs for that matter. I think there should be a way to do this similar to the way that tables are filtered. In addition, currently when I expand the triggers node, all triggers are displayed but not ordered. This makes it extremely difficult to locate the trigger(s) that I am looking for. A filter would help this but if the list were sorted the issue would be less severe. The Procedures node is ordered so why isn't the triggers node? Thanks ...

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Re: Filters and Sorting
Now that's slick!! It works beautifully! Thanks ever so much!
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[Attachment has been removed.]

Re: Filters and Sorting
Chris, Attached is an updated database profile for Sybase ASE that adds sorting for triggers and the filtering option. Save it as: DBVIS-HOME/resources/profiles/sybase-ase.xml Regards Roger
[This reply is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Re: Filters and Sorting
The database that we are accessing is Sybase ASE 12. I know its old, but its what I inherited.
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Re: Filters and Sorting
Chris, What database are you accessing? Regards Roger