[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]
Hi Roger & Team,
Being able to run a query, then click three times and then you have a chart, is a real boss pleaser (they really like coloured lines).
However, I'm not really fond of the theme and style so I always find myself fiddling with the advanced settings in the Chart Properties editor. When I run a lot of queries this becomes bothersome, so it would be really nice if dbvis remembered settings between queries :)
What exact properties in the advanced setup would you like to see saved between sessions?
over 16 years ago
[This reply is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]
Re: Remembering 'show as chart' settings.
The properties I'de like it to keep between queries are primarily visual.
Pretty much all of the properties located under the Date View -> Chart Styles tab in the editor. That's what I'de like to see, personally, because those are the styles I tinker (or have been tinkering thus far).
Also, the properties available under the Layout tab in the primary dbvis window would be nice to have it remember.
Roger Bjärevall
over 16 years ago
[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]
Re: Remembering 'show as chart' settings.
I'll register this as an enhancement request.
Best Regards
Roger Bjärevall
about 13 years ago
[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]
Re: Remembering 'show as chart' settings.
Just to inform that this is now fixed in the latest 8.0 version.
Being able to run a query, then click three times and then you have a chart, is a real boss pleaser (they really like coloured lines).
However, I'm not really fond of the theme and style so I always find myself fiddling with the advanced settings in the Chart Properties editor.
When I run a lot of queries this becomes bothersome, so it would be really nice if dbvis remembered settings between queries :)