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Auto complete join in sql editor

[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

It would be sweet if the sql editor could auto complete join between my tables. (1) Say i write: select * from table1 t1, table2 t2 when I hit som key shortcut (for example ctrl, shift, space) then the editor auto completes the join statements between my tables from their foreign keys select * from table1, table2 where t1.a = t2.a and t1.b = t2.b (2) or... select * from table1 join table2 ... to ... select * from table1 join table2 on t1.a = t2.a and t1.b = t2.b (3) or... select * from table1 join table2 join table3 ... to ... select * from table1 join table2 on t2.a = t1.a and t2.b = t1.b join table3 on t3.c = t2.c

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1 Comment

[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]

Re: Auto complete join in sql editor
Jens, We'll register this as a feature enhancement request. Thanks! Best Regards Roger