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deleting duplicate data from postgres

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I was having trouble deleting duplicate data from a table (postgresql). I realized this was because these days Postgres tables are by default created without OID. Once I created a table WITH OID, I could delete my duplicates from the data grid. The other work-around is to create an extra column with a unique key. So, not a huge problem. I was curious, so here is the experiment I did in both SQuirreL and DBVisualizer create table testTable (xyz Number(5,0), abc VARCHAR(30), pdq VARCHAR(30), RUP Number(5,0); insert into testTable values (44,'frank','mather',5656);insert into testTable values (44,'frank','mather',5656); insert into testTable values (44,'frank','mather',5656);insert into testTable values (44,'frank','mather',5656); insert into testTable values (44,'frank','mather',5656);insert into testTable values (44,'frank','mather',5656); insert into testTable values (44,'frank','mather',5656);insert into testTable values (43,'frank','mather',5000); In DBVisualizer: I then tried to delete one of the identical records and got Error! Could not uniquely identify the row to delete. In SQuirreL, I got a warning but then was allowed to delete the record I had selected. Squirrel has this option to "show row numbers" So, I think SQuirreL somehow internally assigns row numbers and uses those to delete duplicate rows. (Is this possible in DBVisualizer?) The exact same behavior is true for MYSQL. I'm finding everything I used to do in SQuirrel (or PGAdminIII ) to be much easier in DBVisualizer but I thought I'd point this out and ask about it. Edited by: Tim McGuire on Mar 17, 2010 11:10 PM

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Re: deleting duplicate data from postgres
Try this out: Edited by: vipin4u on Sep 14, 2013 7:24 PM
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Re: deleting duplicate data from postgres
Roger, I think dbvisualizer already supports Rownum (rowid in the case of Oracle and OID in the case of postgesql) for databases that have them. Otherwise, you have answered my question. Tim
[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]

Re: deleting duplicate data from postgres
Tim, DbVisualizer don't use any ROWNUM column to identify a row. The current strategy using a primary key or unique index is sufficient in most cases. I will register a RFE so that DbVisualizer can use ROWNUM for databases supporting it. Best Regards Roger