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Extra "Copy Selection" Options

[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

There are two features that I currently emulate using an AutoIt script that I think would benefit other users if added into the main DBVisualizer product. These would be the ability to make a selection of cells from a single column and then "+Copy as IN clause+" or "+Copy as List+". "+Copy as IN clause+" would allow you for example to select a group of product IDs from a series of purchase transactions (e.g. PROD001, PROD123 and PROD199) and then paste the resulting IN clause into a product details table so you can see the related products. In the example cited, tis would result in the clipboard containing the string " IN ('PROD001','PROD123','PROD199')". I use "+Copy as IN clause+" functionality to make it easier to find related rows in tables other than the one I am examining but often find it a handy time-saver when scripting custom views or queries. "+Copy as list+" would simply work as a normal copy from a single column, except that instead of seperating the results by carriage returns they would be seperated by commas. I tend to use this when pasting into emails (e.g. "Dear someone, yes I can see that users JoeBloggs, AndySmith, FredBasset, JohnSmith have all edited this particular record recently"). I know "+Copy as List+" can be easily acheived by changing the delimiter settings but 90% of the time I want normal delimiters and just occasionally it's useful to have rows seperated by commas.

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Re: Extra "Copy Selection" Options
Hi, I will register this as a request for enhancement. Best Regards Roger
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Re: Extra "Copy Selection" Options
Vince, DbVisualizer 9.2 has just been released with support for Copy as Comma List and Copy as IN in most grids. Regards Roger
[This reply is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Re: Extra "Copy Selection" Options
Very nice! I think these will come in very handy for me.