[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]
When I first participated in the Beta program for V9 I really liked the change implemented to view multiple objects at the same time by double clicking and opening in object in a new tab. Many did not like this and the behaviour was altered for the release of v9.
I reread the thread in the Beta forum today ("Current Object View").
I would like the cast my vote along with this response for a future enhancement to make the double click configurable.
I have pasted a posting from that thread below to which I am in agreement.
"Vince Swann
Posts: 146
Registered: 03/27/07
Re: Current object view
Posted: 26-Nov-2012 5:45 PM global.in_response_to.tooltip in response to: Roger Bjarevall
thread.click_reply Reply
Hi Roger,
I think this is too personal a choice to impose it upon users without some form of customisation available.
I suggest that the preferences be altered so that users can choose what actions are performed by double-clicking an object and by double-clicking an object with a modifier key (I would suggest Alt) pressed. The Appearance>Tabs section seems to be a logical place for this.
This way, the defaults could remain as they are in 90.1866, which is a sensible compromise for existing users, however those who wish to use extra tabs can choose to do so.
Neither the dropdown nor the shortcuts address this issue as both require the user to hunt around either in the user interface or the keyboard to perform what should be a simple task. A modifier key would allow users the ability to quickly perform this task and extra preferences would enable users to specify exactly which behaviour they prefer.
Vince "
We will look into making it configurable what double-click should do along with a user selected modifier key+double-click.
You will then be able to re-define that double-click should "Open in New Tab" and (for example) alt+double-click should "Open in Tab".
We hope to have this fixed in a coming maintenance version.
Roger Bjärevall
over 11 years ago
[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]
Re: re Current Object View
In the just released 9.0.3 version it is possible to specify what Open action to run for Double-Click and Alt+Double-Click of database objects. Specify this in Tool Properties->Appearance->Key Bindings->Double-Click