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Ctrl+Backspace to delete word

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This is standard on most platforms, but it does not work in dbvis editor. Pressing ctrl+backspace (alt+backspace on mac) should delete all characters to the left of the cursor, up to the first whitespace character. If there are whitespace characters to the left of the cursor, then it should delete the whitespace characters upto the first non-whitespace character.

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Re: Ctrl+Backspace to delete word
I can confirm, this works for me now. Thanks,. Ivan
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Re: Ctrl+Backspace to delete word
Ivan, This is now fixed in the just released 9.2.1 version. Regards Roger
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Re: Ctrl+Backspace to delete word
Hi Alexandra, The default mappings will be fixed, but you can change the mappings for this today yourself. Please see the Users Guide: The shortcut for deleting all characters to the left of the cursor is found in the Editor Commands category and is named Delete Preceding Characters in Line. Best Regards, Hans
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Re: Ctrl+Backspace to delete word
This does not either work for me and is Product: DbVisualizer Pro 9.1.12 Build: #2306 (2014-11-27 14:36:33) Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM Java Version: 1.7.0 Java Vendor: Oracle Corporation OS Name: Windows 7 OS Arch: amd64 OS Version: 6.1 Please fix ASAP! THANK YOU!
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Re: Ctrl+Backspace to delete word
Ivan, We'll look into this. Regards Roger
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Re: Ctrl+Backspace to delete word
This still does not work for me. I switched to linux in the meantime, maybe that has something to do with this. Running Ubuntu 14.10 with default desktop environment (Unity). Regards, Ivan Product: DbVisualizer Pro 9.2 [Build #2348] OS: Linux OS Version: 3.19.0-031900rc4-generic OS Arch: amd64 Java Version: 1.7.0_65 Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Java Vendor: Oracle Corporation Java Home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre DbVis Home: /opt/dbvisualizer User Home: /home/ihabunek PrefsDir: /home/ihabunek/.dbvis
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Re: Ctrl+Backspace to delete word
Ivan, This is now fixed in the just released 9.1.8 version. Regards Roger
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Re: Ctrl+Backspace to delete word
Hi Ivan, Sorry for the delayed response. I have added your vote that we should look into this. Regards Roger