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Pin files in Open Recent menu

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Hi team. Ability to pin files in your File-Open Recent menu would be great and very usefull!! (and to have pinned files stay on top) --- thank you!

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Re: Pin files in Open Recent menu
Alex, I will open a new ticket for this request. Regards Roger
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Re: Pin files in Open Recent menu
I would like to broaden this issue into a question and/or complaint. Every morning when I open DbVis, the same 6 files automatically get opened in tabs. They are not "recent" files, in that I haven't used them -- I close them and open other files in the "Recent files" list. Then if I close DbVis and restart it, the files I just opened are NOT there in the tabs...instead, it's the Same Six that were there the first time I opened it. DbVis appears to be opening the top 6 files in the Recent Files dropdown, which would be OK if there was a way to change the order in the list and have it stay that way. As it is, every day I have to close a bunch of tabs (files) that I haven't used in weeks, and then go hunting for what it was I was using *yesterday*. So, isn't a Recent Files list supposed to keep track of files that are *actually recent* ??
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Re: Pin files in Open Recent menu
David, What you describe is new to us. I suggest you to: - Start DbVisualizer - Close all open SQL Commander tabs (and even Object View tabs) so that the DbVisualizer logo is displayed - Now close DbVisualizer - Open DbVisualizer - Based on your post the editors are restored? - If they are, close all of them so the logo is visible - Close DbVisualizer - Open a File Explorer and navigate to C:\Users\\.dbvis\Workspace/default/window-0 - Remove all files ending with *.sql and *.met - Start DbVisualizer - Now there *should* not be any editors opened Now use DbVisualizer as usual and keep us updated if the original problem happen again. Regards Roger
[This reply is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Re: Pin files in Open Recent menu
Thanks for the quick response. It appears that the step of closing ALL the tabs does the trick. I did that, closed and re-opened DbVis, and the logo was displayed -- no tabs. I opened a couple of recent files (from the list) and did the close-and-re-open, and only those two files were open in tabs. So if it happens again, I'll just close all the tabs and restart. If it misbehaves in a reproducible fashion, I'll let you know. thanks David Beamer JR Thompson