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clear filter button improvement

[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Hi DBVis team, one thing that is every once in a while annoying me is the clear filter button in the tables data tab. When working in a hurry or my hand twitches I accidentally hit the clear filter button instead the apply filter button because they are so close together. This is particular annoying if the filter condition was kind of lenghty. From the user perspective I think there are 3 possible improvements: 1) single click the apply button to apply the filter, but double-click the clear filter button to clear the filter 2) space the apply filter and clear filter buttons apart a little 3) add a confirmation dialog on clicking the clear filter button (could become annoying after a while) Maybe that is something you want to consider in a future release. Thanks Raik

[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]

Re: clear filter button improvement
Raik, Sorry for the delay. I will add a new ticket for this. Regards Roger
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Re: clear filter button improvement
Raik, As a side note I just want to inform that you may use Ctrl+Enter while the cursor is in the filter field, that will trigger an apply. Regards
[This reply is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Re: clear filter button improvement
But be aware that Ctrl-Enter will also execute your whole sql comander content if it has the focus. Therefore, I prefer to keep the key combination inactive.