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dbvis deadlocks on OSX

[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Hi, i am suffering from deadlocks of DBVis under Mac OS X. With deadlock i mean i cant click on any button anymore and i am only able to move windows of DBVis, nothing more. I then have to kill it via Mac process list. I had it 3 times within 30 minutes, so its quite ugly. Its a remote database so perhaps there are timeouts which renders DBVis unusable, but whatever it is, deadlock should never be the case. The only thing i can provide at this point is some Mac OS X system dump but this is definitely cryptic. Please gimme a hint what i can do to provide you more infos on that. Marc

[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]

Re: dbvis deadlocks on OSX
Loge, DbVisualizer sends the request to the database and then wait for the response. If the connection for some reason drop DbVisualizer will continue waiting for the JDBC driver to come back. Since it doesn't DbVis hangs. The main problem is that both the form and inline editors locks the complete GUI while the DB request is processing making it impossible to do other tasks. We will look into a fix for this which then also implies being able to Stop ongoing (and possibly hanging) data edits. What database are you accessing? Regards Roger
[This reply is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Re: dbvis deadlocks on OSX
:) No, its not on a query. One time it was while i was inline editing and one time it was while being in the form editor. Marc
[This reply is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Re: dbvis deadlocks on OSX
Silly question, I'm sure, but you're not referring to how the app behaves when you run a query, are you? By design, DBVis essentially locks the interface (the "stop" button is still enabled) until the query has returned. I think longer term the DBVis guys are looking to change that policy.