so when 'Tables' is expanded dbv displays the rowcount next to the table if the 'show table row count' option is on. I thought if I defined 'rowcount' here, then it would never display the rowcount regardless of the option setting.
1 Comment
Roger Bjärevall
over 17 years ago
[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]
Re: rowcount in plugin
The appearance of Row Count in the tree for an object is enabled (currently) if the name="rowcount" variable setting is defined independent of its value. To disable Row Count then remove the [b][/b] row.
This is of course not so obvious and will be fixed in the next version so that a value of false will work as well.
GroupNode type="Tables" label="Tables">
<DataNode type="Table" label="${getTables.TABLE_NAME}" isLeaf="false" is-empty-output="stop">
<SetVar name="objectname" value="${getTables.TABLE_NAME}"/>
<SetVar name="rowcount" value="false"/>
<Command idref="getTables">
<Input name="schema" value="${schema}"/>
<Input name="tableType" value="TABLE"/>
so when 'Tables' is expanded dbv displays the rowcount next to the table if the 'show table row count' option is on. I thought if I defined 'rowcount' here, then it would never display the rowcount regardless of the option setting.