[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]
Hi there, it's been a while since I've posted something here.
Here's the bug I've found. I select a column in Excel, there first cells are empty. Now I switch to DBVis (6.0.7) and mark the corresponding column in the data grid (I mark the cells). When I hit "paste", the leading empty cells from excel are missing. Instead of them, the filled cells move in rank.
This does not happen, when I paste whole rows or a table.
Thanks for looking into that.
Greetings Dirk
1 Comment
Roger Bjärevall
almost 17 years ago
[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]
Re: Datagrid bug: paste columns from clipboard
Yes you're right. If the first cell(s) that are copied have just spaces in them, then these spaces are removed before DbVis paste the data.
This will be fixed in the next version.
Best Regards
it's been a while since I've posted something here.
Here's the bug I've found.
I select a column in Excel, there first cells are empty. Now I switch to DBVis (6.0.7) and mark the corresponding column in the data grid (I mark the cells). When I hit "paste", the leading empty cells from excel are missing. Instead of them, the filled cells move in rank.
This does not happen, when I paste whole rows or a table.
Thanks for looking into that.