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rss feeds of the forum

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Hi, why is so little of the body of the text shown in the rss feeds? Currently we can only see 1 line of text, making the feed useless. Example: ' Re: [700.1465] Bug: Informix and boolean values from Minq Forums: Message List - DbVisualizer Hi Hans, ... ' From other feeds, from other sites I do see complete messages, so it is not the reader that limits the lines. hoping for complete messages in the feeds, Ronald.

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Re: rss feeds of the forum
Ronald, We have on the todo list to look into moving to a new forum software/service in the future. Until then we will only correct show stopping bugs in the forum software. Regards Roger
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Re: rss feeds of the forum
Hi Roger, it has been a while that I mentioned this. Now that blackpixel is doing a rewrite of their netnewswire rss feed reader, I discussed this issue with them and the response was given that the feed is missing some properties, as can be seen in the validator: It would make the forums easier to follow, if this were fixed (I hope). Ronald.
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Re: rss feeds of the forum
Ronald, We will look into this. Thanks! Best Regards Roger