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Problem with network drive in DbVis 7

[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Hello, the configuration of my home directory in dbvis-custom.prefs points to a network drive. With dbvis 6.x the result sets for the commands in the SQL Commander window were shown nearly as fast as a statement was executed. After installing version 7 of DbVisualizer, it needs several seconds until the result set is shown, even if the execution time of the SQL command is few milliseconds. When I put my home directory on a local drive, it works like in v6.x. We put our home directories on a network device to give other users the possibility to have a look on the history and configuration of other users in the workgroup. Best regards, Günther

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Re: Problem with network drive in DbVis 7
Günther, The new step after execution in 7.0 is that a history entry (file) is created. (Writing files is normally a very fast operation). This step should take just a few ms rather than seconds. Have you noticed that writing any file to the network drive is slow in general using other file oriented tools? Best Regards Roger
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Re: Problem with network drive in DbVis 7
Hello Roger, i didn´t recognize problems in this dimension with other tools. After your reply I deleted all history files in the History directory and started to execute the same statement 20 times. At the first time it shows normal display time. After ten executions and 20 history files (sql and met) the visualization grows slow. The result returns after 1 second. After 40 executions we have 2 seconds.... Regards, Günther
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Re: Problem with network drive in DbVis 7
Günther, Very strange... We will look into it. If you are not using the SQL History feature at all then open it and enter Max Entries = 0. That will ensure no history files are created and hopefully the performance will stay constant. If the problem re-appear even after the change, please let us know. Best Regards Roger
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Re: Problem with network drive in DbVis 7
Roger, We have the same problem with 7.0 ... Was not an issue with 6.x .. Even after setting Max Entries to 0, I still see about a second delay before "select 1" returns the result to the grid... SQL history is very usefull.. If you cant find a solution to this, is there a way to choose the location for the history file ? Thanks! Product: DbVisualizer Personal 7.0 Build: #1482 (2010/01/17 12:38) Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM Java Version: 1.6.0_13 Java Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc. OS Name: Windows XP OS Arch: x86 OS Version: 5.1
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Re: Problem with network drive in DbVis 7
Hi Alex, We will look into this for the 7.0.1 version. Currently it is not possible to select an alternative location for the history files. Best Regards Roger
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Re: Problem with network drive in DbVis 7
Hi, This has now been fixed in the latest 7.0.1 version. (Specifying an alternative directory for history files is not fixed in this version). Best Regards Roger