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action of double click on left side tree view object

[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Hi,I've been use DBVis 6.04 for some times,recently I upgrade to 7,I like the feature of 7 that help create script to call SP.thanks in 6.0.4 when I am in *SQL Command* view,double click any object in left side tree view,like a table etc,*SQL Command* view will switch to *Object View* automatically,but in 7, the feature is gone. is there anyone can explain why we take this handy feature away! now I have to click Object view,than click table name.

[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]

Re: action of double click on left side tree view object
David, Thanks for your post. Double click on an object in the tree to switch to the Object View tab is replaced with SHIFT+click in 7.0. However... It doesn't update the Object View to reflect the data for the selected node until you click the node again. This will be fixed in the next 7.0.3 version. Best Regards Roger
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Re: action of double click on left side tree view object
David, Just to inform that this has been fixed in the 7.0.3 version. There are now two option: Shift+Click = Switch to the object view tab (if not already current) and show selected object Shift+Double-click = Show selected object in separate window Best Regards Roger