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dbVis initializes for over a minute

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Hello. After i changed my vmoptions file as suggested in the below link, it takes about a minute for the dbVis to start. ( -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false ) It has been like this for a long time now (since Oct 2009), but i just now decided to let you know. ;) From the Debug Window: --------------------------- Debug Printouts -------------------------- 08:06:56 [DEBUG AWT-EventQueue-1 DbVisualizerGUI.?] *Init Seconds: 63.529* splash display: 2.500 window display: 61.483 ------------------------- Product Information ------------------------ Product: DbVisualizer Personal 7.0.5 Build: #1497 (2010/03/15 17:28) Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM Java Version: 1.6.0_13 Java Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc. OS Name: Windows XP OS Arch: x86 OS Version: 5.1 ------------------------- Connected Databases ------------------------

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Re: dbVis initializes for over a minute
Alex, Just to verify if this is related to the networked HD. Try a test by zipping all of your files in the .dbvis directory i.e. C:\Documents and Settings\\.dbvis Then unzip on a locally attached HD. Then start DbVis by pointing the -prefsdir argument to the local .dbvis directory. Regards Roger
[This reply is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Re: dbVis initializes for over a minute
Also, If it helps, my dbvis.xml and History files are pointing to the Network drive. Also, I timed how long it takes for the SQL History window to come up *initially* -- ~10 seconds
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Re: dbVis initializes for over a minute
Roger, I have 3 mon, 1000 Hitory entries and 30 bookmarked Connections (not open at the same time). Running on a dual IntelXeonCPU @2Ghz with 4Gb of ram (available 1.5 at the time i ran dbVis) The +-prefsdir tmpdbvisdir+ brough down the startup time to 14 seconds --- which I would be very comfortable with ;) What else can we test ? Could it be the Look & Feel settings? ( I have Metal) ----- Debug Printouts ----- 08:17:23 [http://DEBUG AWT-EventQueue-1 DbVisualizerGUI.?|http://debug%20awt-eventqueue-1%20dbvisualizergui./?] Init Seconds: 14.234 splash display: 1.656 window display: 11.406
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Re: dbVis initializes for over a minute
Hi Alex, 44... is a lot of seconds. I have 5 monitors, over hundreds of bookmark scripts, 300 history files and 40 connections. It take less than 5 seconds on a relatively new desktop. How does your figures compare to the above? A simple test is to launch DbVisualizer with the prefsdir parameter. It instructs DbVisualizer to create a new user settings directory. dbvis.exe -prefsdir tmpdbvisdir Now what is the startup time? Best Regards Roger
[This reply is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Re: dbVis initializes for over a minute
Roger, We are running on WinXP. Removed the -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false from the .vmoptions file. dbVis started in 44seconds --------------------------- Debug Printouts -------------------------- 07:24:34 [DEBUG AWT-EventQueue-1 DbVisualizerGUI.?] Init Seconds: 46.813 splash display: 2.953 window display: 44.688
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Re: dbVis initializes for over a minute
Hi Alex, Just tried with the -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false running 7.0.5 on Windows 7 and it starts without any noticeable delay. Do you experience improvement if removing it? Regards Roger