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Calling one script from inside another

[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Hello, Can anyone tell me if its possible to call one script from inside another such that the calling script can be run using @run in SQLCommander? Using SQL*Plus one can use @@name to call a script named name.sql that is in the same directory as the calling script. However attempts to use @@ or @run do not work if the script is run in SLCommander using @run. Of course @@ is SQL*Plus syntax so I don't think it would be expected to work. It would be useful to have this functionality if it is not possible. Supporting @@ would make it compatible with SQL*Plus Thanks. Tim
1 Comment

[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]

Re: Calling one script from inside another
Hi Tim, Thanks for the suggestion. It is not currently possible to call a script from within another script. I'll open a ticket for this. Best Regards, Hans