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SQL Editor -- slow key response when typing

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Hi. Typing in the new editor seems slow, you can see and feel the delay as characters get slowly displayed. This most becomes frustrating when I use Backspace to delete a bunch of chars on a line... Also, just to test, i pressed and held a key. As keystrokes were shown in the editor, the Task Manager was displaying a 24% CPU utillization for the dbvis PID There is no configuration for 'keystroke' delay, is there? Anyone else seeing this? Product: DbVisualizer Personal 8.0 Build: #1689 (2011/06/16 12:10) Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM Java Version: 1.6.0_24 Java Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc. OS Name: Windows XP OS Arch: x86 OS Version: 5.1

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Re: SQL Editor -- slow key response when typing
...; whats interesting... i decided to open a new instance of dbvis and load the SAME script (this one has 1157 lines).. No problems in the new instance.... i'll try to notice when it starts to choke.... but there is def something going on.....
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Re: SQL Editor -- slow key response when typing
Hi --- any updates on this post? ty
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Re: SQL Editor -- slow key response when typing
Hi Alex, Sorry but we are still unable to reproduce this problem, and no one else has reported anything similar. Were you able to nail down more precisely the situation when it starts to occur? Best Regards, Hans
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Re: SQL Editor -- slow key response when typing
That is odd that no one else is experiencing this problem.......
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Re: SQL Editor -- slow key response when typing
ok... really weird... so, like i said, i have the dbvis spanned across 2 screen. opened a sql , scrolling up and down is very slow, key strokes are slow... Clicked on Show/Hide Editor Controls, and clicked on 'Show as Windows'. Then slightly resized the sql window, and clicked Show as Tabs. The problem is gone....until the dbVis is restarted..... ideas???
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Re: SQL Editor -- slow key response when typing
Hi Alex, Just launched DbVisualizer and stretch it on two monitors. Load a script with 1000 rows and approx 700 chars each. Scrolling and typing is instant and works fine for me. I tested with Mac OS X on a MBP and an iMac as second monitor while I think you are using Windows XP. Not just the OS may influence the behavior in this kind of scenario, video driver is just one component among others and it is very difficult to duplicate an exact configuration. Regards Roger
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Re: SQL Editor -- slow key response when typing
Roger, Is there a way for you to try that on XP? Especially, after what I discovered and posted in my last post: +{color:#800080}Clicked on Show/Hide Editor Controls, and clicked on 'Show as Windows'.+ +Then slightly resized the sql window, and clicked Show as Tabs. The problem is gone....until the dbVis is restarted..... ideas???{color}+
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Re: SQL Editor -- slow key response when typing
Alex, Currently we have no access to a dual monitor setup running XP natively. As I said, I am not sure that XP is the only component needed in order to repeat the problem. I am fully aware and respect that this kind of situations are really annoying. However, currently we haven't received any other complaint about slow editor response nor bad scrolling performance with version 8.0. Are you able to repeat the behavior on other machines with similar configuration (OS, dual monitor, etc)? Also, is the sluggish performance visible only in the editor or also in other text fields? Regards Roger
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Re: SQL Editor -- slow key response when typing
Roger.. Yes, it it frustrating, especially when I dont see this issue when I use other apps, such as Toad, SQL Server Management Studio, Word or even IE.. I even put them (apps) side by side to see if the performance takes a toll on all apps, but as soon as I move my mouse away from dbVis onto other app's space, the other app performs normally.. As soon as I move back to dbVis, same issue... Just to check, I installed *7.5 (*version that has the old sql editor) -- and the issue is NOT observed. It affects all of dbVis GUI, menus, typing, scrolling ... And again, the issue disappears after I do the 'work-around' mentioned earlier... Thats whats interesting..... HOWEVER, as I was typing this response, I decided to try this flag -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false . Restarted dbVis (8.5) and the issue is *gone*... Tried the same w/o the flag by turned off Direct3D in dxdiag tool --- the issue is gone.. .. ..... So, is 8.# is using Direct3D differently than 7.5 ?
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Re: SQL Editor -- slow key response when typing
Hi Alex, The main difference between the apps you've tested with and DbVisualizer is that DbVisualizer is Java based while the others are native. It was great to hear the issue is gone when you disable Direct3D. The use of d3d is hidden completely in Java and possibly 3:rd party components that is used in DbVisualizer. There is no change in our codebase regarding that in version 8. However, the main difference in v8 compared with previous versions is that we are now using a new editor component which may explain why you experience the changed behavior. I will check with the vendor if they are aware of any problems and if the specifically use d3d based code. Regards Roger
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Re: SQL Editor -- slow key response when typing
I was having the exact same problem. (Ubuntu 11.10, DbVisualiser 8.07) The SQL editor has a 1-2 second delay for key presses, once the editor has been used once or twice. I inserted *-Dsun.java2d.d3d=false* into the shell script and everything fine now.
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Re: SQL Editor -- slow key response when typing
Just a me too - comment, ran into this when upgrading to 64-bit Ubuntu LTS with nvidia native driver and OpenJDK and running Dbvis 9 series. The setting mentioned above fixed it. However isn't the file dbvis.vmoptions a preferrable place for these kind of settings?
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Re: SQL Editor -- slow key response when typing
Jonas, You are correct in that the *dbvis.vmoptions* file is the recommended place to set JVM properties. Regards Roger
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Re: SQL Editor -- slow key response when typing
Still correcting myself as the response grew again after some time. Actually sun.java2d.d3d is valid only on Windows platforms. However the setting sun.java2d.opengl=true fixes the slow response.