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All my connections have disappeared

[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Hello, Yesterday I used DbVisualizer as usual, without any problem. Today I open it, and surprise!, all my connections have disappeared. The New Connection Wizard is displayed. I had about 20 connections defined... now 0. It's the first time I encounter a serious problem with DbVisualizer. Looking at .dbvis\config70\dbvis.xml, I only find the General and Drivers sections. The Databases section is empty. Idem for the dbvis.xml.bak file.

[This reply is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Re: All my connections have disappeared
I've used DBVis every day for years and have seen the same thing happen probably three times now. I figured it was perhaps due to accidentally closing or killing the program just as it was editing the XML file but I can't be sure as it hasn't happened in ages. My solution after the first time was to install Tortoisegit and use that to commit a backup of my XML file (and my bookmarks, license file, etc) each time I made a major change to it. I guess you could just zip the XML file to perform the same functionality. I only used git because I wanted to have a detailed record of when and why I added new connections, bookmarks, etc.
[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]

Re: All my connections have disappeared
Hi, Since the bak file is empty too the only recommendation I have is that you consult a system backup. There are no know issues causing the settings to get cleared other than external factors. I fully understand the frustration and hope it solves smoothly. Regards Roger