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Show as text - reordering not used

[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Hello, I realy like the feature to show a resultset as text as it is super to save a result for documentation. Sometimes I modify my resultset by reordering columns in the grid view but when switching to textview afterwards the columns there aren't reordered. I'm not sure - this may be a bug or otherwise regard it as feature-request, please :-) Thank you, ralf PS: I'm using 8.0.7 Edited by: Ralf on 31.01.2012 15:59

[This reply is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Re: Show as text - reordering not used
Hello Roger, thank you for registering the ticket. I'm looking forward :-) Regards Ralf
[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]

Re: Show as text - reordering not used
Ralf, Thanks for the suggestion. The current behavior is by design as the different views (Grid, Text and Chart) operate on the result set produced by the query. However, I agree that it is probably a good idea having an option so that the visual changes made in the grid should also show in the Text view. I'll register a ticket for this. Regards Roger