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I tried different driver, none worked.
No problem on displaying objects on lower level fix pack.
Schema still show up, but nothing under tables/views/alias
What function is DBV using when listing the objects?
Hi Richard,
You can enable debugging to see the SQL used to get the views and aliases. For tables, the JDBC DatabaseMetaData#getTables() method is used.
Please enable debugging and post/send us the log:
Best Regards,
about 12 years ago
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Re: Not display objects for db2 udb 9.7 fixpack 6
enable debug on both dbv and jdbc
Hans Bergsten
about 12 years ago
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Re: Not display objects for db2 udb 9.7 fixpack 6
Hi Richard,
Thanks, but can you please run it again without JDBC debugging enabled? Also, please make sure that you don't have any filters active in the tree for the connection:
Best Regards,
about 12 years ago
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Re: Not display objects for db2 udb 9.7 fixpack 6
There is no filters under database.
Hans Bergsten
about 12 years ago
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Re: Not display objects for db2 udb 9.7 fixpack 6
Hi Richard,
The log you posted is still a JDBC driver debug log. Please disable debugging completely, relaunch DbVisualizer, enable debugging for DbVisualizer only, connect to the database and navigate down all the way down and into the Tables node, and post the log from that exercise.
I've installed DB2 9.7.6 locally and cannot reproduce the problem. I'm using the DB2 driver bundled with DbVisualizer 8.0.10 (version 4.13.127) and have Database Type set to DB2 LUW for the connection. Please verify that you are using the same driver and have the same Database Type setting.
Best Regards,
about 12 years ago
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Re: Not display objects for db2 udb 9.7 fixpack 6
I am using the driver from db2 9.7.6 which is 4.14.88, newer than the one from DBV (4.13).
Debug windows has nothing.
Hans Bergsten
about 12 years ago
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Re: Not display objects for db2 udb 9.7 fixpack 6
Hi Richard,
I still cannot reproduce it when I use the 4.14.88 driver.
If you do not get anything in the Debug Window, please verify that Debug DbVisualizer is checked (and Debug JDBC Drivers is unchecked), and that Log Destination is set to Debug (this) Window.
Best Regards,
Hans Bergsten
about 12 years ago
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Re: Not display objects for db2 udb 9.7 fixpack 6
Hi again Richard,
Just to test, I set the Database Type to Generic instead of DB2 LUW, and with that setting the Tables node is empty. Please make sure that you have set the Database Type to DB2 LUW.
Best Regards,
Hans Bergsten
about 12 years ago
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Re: Not display objects for db2 udb 9.7 fixpack 6
Hi Richard,
One more thing.
I noticed that on one of your screenshots, it shows that you use the Free edition and therefore you cannot set the Database Type to DB2 LUW. If you do not have a license and must use the Free edition, I just verified that Database Type set to Generic works fine with the JDBC driver bundled with DbVisualizer 8.0.10 (4.13), so please use it instead of the one bundled with DB2 9.7.6.
Best Regards,
about 12 years ago
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Re: Not display objects for db2 udb 9.7 fixpack 6
So looks like DBV didnot work well with the lastest jdbc driver?
Hans Bergsten
about 12 years ago
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Re: Not display objects for db2 udb 9.7 fixpack 6
Hi Richard,
Correct, IBM has made a number of changes in both the 4.13 and the 4.14 drivers, as well as in the 9.7.6 database version, that cause some problems. We are looking into what we can do to accommodate the new drivers in DbVisualizer and also verifying that DB2 10 does not cause additional problems.
Best Regards,
Roger Bjärevall
about 12 years ago
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Re: Not display objects for db2 udb 9.7 fixpack 6
We have looked into this now and it seems that IBM have changed their JDBC driver so that it doesn't work well with DbVisualizer. It happens only with 9.7.6 (works fine with 9.7.2 and 10.1).
We will apply a fix so that DbVisualizer will be unaffected by this change in the next maintenance version.
As a side note, IBM declare on the product information web page for 9.7.6 that it contain a major flaw and it may leak memory. I don't know if you are affected by this but take a look at the DB2 web site and verify.
about 12 years ago
[This reply is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]
Re: Not display objects for db2 udb 9.7 fixpack 6
IBM have fixed that memory leak in the new binary for download.
Looking for the DBV fix.
Roger Bjärevall
almost 12 years ago
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Re: Not display objects for db2 udb 9.7 fixpack 6
Just to inform you that this is now fixed in the 8.0.11 version.