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Is it possible to visualize views' dependency graph (based on FROM clause)?

[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Hello, congratulations on nice software. Is it possible to visualize *multiple views'* dependency graph (based on FROM clause)? In Free version, *multiple tables'* dependency graph (based on foreign key information) can be visualized using [References Graphs |]. In Pro version it is possible also to visualize *one view's* dependency graph (based on FROM clause) using [Query Builder|]. But in database containing ~50 interdependent views it could be useful to show *multiple views'* dependency graph (based on FROM clause). None of existing tools (Oracle SQL Developer, MySQL Workbench, SchemaSpy) seem to be capable to do that. Thanks for your attention. PS: URL markup is blocked.
1 Comment

[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]

Re: Is it possible to visualize views' dependency graph (based on FROM clause)?
Hi, Thanks for the suggestion. I've added your vote for this to a similar request we already have for visualization of view dependencies. I assume that what you're after is similar to the References diagram we have for tables, but for views as well (with the views dependencies on tables and other views based on the FROM clause). Best Regards, Hans