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GTK Look and Feel (GTKLookAndFeel)

[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

On Linux, you used to be able to configure DbVisualizer to use the GTK look and feel. However, that option is no longer available in the the Look and Feel section of the General > Appearance Tool Properties. Could you please provide a way for those of us on Linux to restore the GTK look and feel? None of the available options fit in with my GTK theme and I have had to settle on the Metal look and feel. (I don't particularly like the Metal look and feel but at lease it has a similar background color to my GTK theme.) I tried to get DbVisualizer to use the GTK LookAndFeel on Linux by editing the dbvis shell script and override the default look and feel for Swing components via the following Java system property: However, DbVisualizer still instists on using the Metal look and feel. I then tried to specifically override the Metal look and feel by setting the following system property: But, DbVisualizer still insists on using the Metal look and feel. Here's a snippet from the dbvis file after I edited it. $INSTALL4J_JAVA_PREFIX "$app_java_home/bin/java" "-splash:$app_home/.install4j/s_1l5jsok.gif" -Dinstall4j.jvmDir="$app_java_home" -Dexe4j.moduleName="$prg_dir/$progname" "-Xmx512M" "-XX:MaxPermSize=192M" "-Ddbvis.home=$prg_dir/" "-Dinstall4j.launcherId=2" "-Dinstall4j.swt=false" "$vmov_1" "$vmov_2" "$vmov_3" "$vmov_4" "$vmov_5" $INSTALL4J_ADD_VM_PARAMS -classpath "$local_classpath" com.install4j.runtime.launcher.Launcher launch com.onseven.dbvis.DbVisualizerGUI true false "" "" true true false "s_1l5jsok.gif" true true 300 190 "" 20 20 "Arial" "0,0,0" 8 500 "version 9.0.5" 20 40 "Arial" "0,0,0" 8 500 -1 "$@" Can someone help me get the GTK look and feel back? Thanks!
1 Comment

[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]

Re: GTK Look and Feel (GTKLookAndFeel)
Hi, The GTK+ look and feel has been disabled in 9.0 due to various visual issues with it. The default look and feel on Linux is now Synthetica. Regards Roger