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Keyboard shortcut to move to first/last row of result set in OSX

[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Hi, I have been using DbVis for quite some time on Windows. I use the CTRL+arrows and CRLT+SHIFT+arrows a lot to navigate/select in the results sets tab and quickly check summary statistics with CTRL+SHIFT+C. Recently, I have moved to OSX, and I can't get similar keyboard shortcuts to work on my Macbook Pro. I have tried changing the key bindinds, and turning off the Mission Control keyboard shortcuts but to no avail. Any help would be much appreciated. regards, Daniel
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[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]

Re: Keyboard shortcut to move to first/last row of result set in OSX
Hi Daniel, Please try FN-arrows and FN-SHIFT-arrows. I believe those work the same as the CTRL combinations on Windows. Aggregation Data for Selection is bound to COMMAND-SHIFT-C by default in the Mac OS key map, if that's the one you use. If you use the Default key map, it is the same as on Windows: CTRL-SHIFT-C Best Regards, Hans