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Successfully connected to Hive?

[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Has anyone successfully connected to Hive within DBVis? I have loaded all of the jars. Used the appropriate driver class. Constructed the JDBC url. I get connection refused... Checked firewalls No credentials are setup Checked services are running I'm at a loss.. ideas?

[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]

Re: Successfully connected to Hive?
Hi Adam, We got a question about Hive earlier. Please have a look and see if the answer helps you:㴦 It seems like you have already found and installed the driver, so maybe not. Connection refused typically means a problem at the network level, such as specifying the wrong port or IP, firewalls, etc. so I suggest you double-check those areas. I have no experience with Hive, but make sure it binds to the same network interface IP as you use when you try to connect, as opposed to localhost. Best Regards, Hans
[This reply is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Re: Successfully connected to Hive?
My personal experience with "connection refused" error and Hive is that given url is incorrect. Personally I prefer to setup a ssh tunneling from my own computer to server running Hive. Suppose this tunnel is set-up at port 10003 localhost then at Dbvisualizer you use following url (change default schema if needed): jdbc:hive://localhost:10003/default