[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]
I know that the execution of sql-queries can be performed using the @run command. This, however, seems to require an sql-statement which is valid on its own.
My situtation is like this: I have a long code with many temporaries creates by WITH, and in the end I populate several tables. For each table, I have an own file which contains this long derivation.
Therefore, is it somehow possible to simply insert this long code via something like @load?
Here is an example which might make it clearer:
File a.sql:
WITH test AS
select 'hallo' AS word from dual
File b.sql:
@load a.sql
select word from test;
Thanks in advance,
Sorry for the delay.
I will open a new ticket for loading (including) an SQL file into a script or other file.
over 10 years ago
[This reply is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]
Re: Insert sql-code from other queries
Hi Roger,
thank for your answer and your support.
Can you estimate when this feature will be available? (without the meaning to urge you -- I'm just asking since we are in a running large-scale project at the moment and this feature yould be important for maintaining the source code).
Best regards,
Edited by: David Hochstuhl on 04.06.2014 13:40
Roger Bjärevall
over 10 years ago
[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]
Re: Insert sql-code from other queries
I have created a new ticket and the only thing I can say is that it is not planned for the next feature version which is planned for Q3.