DbVisualizer Free 9.1.12 blurry on Macbook Pro Retina
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almost 10 years ago
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I'm using the free Version of DBVis on my MBPr late 2013. The problem is that DBVis is completely blurry. Not only the graphics, but also the text. I recently updated from 9.1.11 to 9.1.12 and noticed that the whole UI was sharp the first time I opened the program after the installation. The second time it was blurry again. I can reproduce this by reinstalling the current version from the dmg file I downloaded from the website. I have added two screenshots that show the error, one having sharp text and the other one not.
Any clues how to improve this or is it a known bug in DBVis (I found an old thread from 2013, but hoped it would have been resolved by now...)?
Here is some information about my system:
Product: DbVisualizer Free 9.1.12
Build: #2306 (2014-11-27 14:36:33)
Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
Java Version: 1.7.0_71
Java Vendor: Oracle Corporation
OS Name: Mac OS X
OS Arch: x86_64
OS Version: 10.10.1
[This reply is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]
Re: DbVisualizer Free 9.1.12 blurry on Macbook Pro Retina
Another data point. I tried forcing the card to onboard gfx only, then starting DbVis. The text is not blurry. I then forced the graphics to discrete using gfxSwitcher. The text stayed non-blurry.
over 9 years ago
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Re: DbVisualizer Free 9.1.12 blurry on Macbook Pro Retina
I'm running 9.1.12 on a Retina Macbook Pro (mid 2012) with Java 1.7.0_75. I have the blurry text when the graphics auto-switching is turned on and I fire up DbVis with no other apps that have forced the use of the discrete graphics card.
I also have a third party graphics card control tool (gfxCardStatus v2.3, http://gfx.io) that allows the disabling of auto-switching by forcing the use of either onboard or discrete gfx card. The text IS NOT blurry if I force the graphics card to be either the onboard or discrete gfx card.
I also tried leaving the auto-switching on, but starting an app that forces the card to go into discrete mode (e.g. Adobe Illustrator) before launching DbVis. I found that the text WAS NOT blurry.
All of these tests point to what you were saying where the text only becomes blurry when the graphics card switches from one to the other during DbVis startup.
Roger Bjärevall
over 9 years ago
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Re: DbVisualizer Free 9.1.12 blurry on Macbook Pro Retina
We've been doing some intense testing regarding the blurry issue on Retina with Yosemite.
What we've found is that with 1.7.0_75 and disabling Automatic graphics switching in System Preferences->Energy Saver in OS X it works opening DbVisualizer with open DbVisualizer.app and fonts are not blurry.
(As a Java verification we've also built an test installer for Java 8 and it works independent what Automatic graphics switching is set to. This hopefully means it is a temporary glitch in Java 7 only).
It would be great if you can try the Automatic graphics switching test and let us know the result.
over 9 years ago
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Re: DbVisualizer Free 9.1.12 blurry on Macbook Pro Retina
thank you very much for your help - I just noticed the replies (I did think that I would get eMail notifications, but I either didn't get them or they were filtered...). Nonetheless: the provided shell command works like a charm. I also created an Automator Application to launch DBVis and uploaded it here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3oyukro305s7itm/AAAFl7CyV1zwFclaX6mnAZKsa?dl=0
Thanks again for your help,
PS: your "insert link" button on the Editor does not work (at least, it does not create something clickable in the finished message).
Edited by: lowista on Jan 11, 2015 1:30 PM
Corrected the link
Roger Bjärevall
over 9 years ago
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Re: DbVisualizer Free 9.1.12 blurry on Macbook Pro Retina
Hi Darren,
Great. Would you mind sharing the workflow here?
over 9 years ago
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Re: DbVisualizer Free 9.1.12 blurry on Macbook Pro Retina
That works fine, thanks.
One additional tip for Mac users: I created an Automator workflow ("Application") with a single "Shell" step to run the supplied command line.
I then saved the workflow in /Applications and dragged it to my Dock next to the main DbVisualizer icon.
That works well, and avoids having to type in the shell command to run DbVis.
Roger Bjärevall
over 9 years ago
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Re: DbVisualizer Free 9.1.12 blurry on Macbook Pro Retina
I just realized that the linked document was NOT completely correct. A new version is updated now:
Give the dbvisgui.sh script a test to see if the blurriness disappears.
over 9 years ago
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Re: DbVisualizer Free 9.1.12 blurry on Macbook Pro Retina
I'm also seeing this on Yosemite 10.10.1 on a Retina MBP with java version "1.7.0_71".
I've tried running:
open -a /Applications/DbVisualizer.app
but that doesn't make any difference.
Any ideas?
Hans Bergsten
almost 10 years ago
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Re: DbVisualizer Free 9.1.12 blurry on Macbook Pro Retina
Hi Lowista,
This happens on Yosemite only, and only when starting DbVisualizer with the launcher. We are looking into a fix, but for now, please use the script to start DbVisualizer instead:
You must also use a recent Java 7 version.
Best Regards,
Edited by: Hans Bergsten on Dec 29, 2014 5:33 PM
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