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command line issue - DOS commands following dbviscmd do not execute?

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In the DOS/SQL files below, I'm using a DOS rename command because I want the date in the result file name and I can't see a way to do that in the SQL. However, no DOS command I put after dbviscmd command will execute. Thanks in advance for your help... David _DOS_ set today=%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10,4% dbviscmd -connection "DBP1" -sqlfile "PrdCnt.sql" ren "\\server\Production Counts\PrdCnt.xlsx" "PrdCnt %today%.xlsx" _SQL_ @export on; @export set filename="\\server\Production Counts\PrdCnt.xlsx" Format="XLS" ExcelFileFormat="xlsx"; SELECT M_TYP, CRNT_STUS_CD, S_TYP, Count(MFID) as S_CNT, SUM(PRCD_M1_CNT) as Init_M1_Cnt , SUM(INIT_M2_CNT) as Init_M2_CNT, SUM(W3_CNT) as Prcd_M1_Cnt, SUM(PRCD_M22_CNT) as Prcd_M2_Cnt FROM SMN WHERE PRCG_YR = '2015' GROUP BY CRNT_STUS_CD, M_TYP, S_TYP with UR; @export off;

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Re: command line issue - DOS commands following dbviscmd do not execute?
Bingo! I was missing the trailing $... Thanks!
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Re: command line issue - DOS commands following dbviscmd do not execute?
David, Have you also tried ${dbvis-date}$? Note that the default variable identifiers are ${...}$. Regards Roger
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Re: command line issue - DOS commands following dbviscmd do not execute?
Hans, Thanks for your reply. I had already tried including the dbvis-date variable in the file name. after your response, I tried again with the same result. The Excel workbook is created successfully, but the file name is PrdCnt ${dbvis-date}.xlsx. I suspect that it happens because the file name is in quotes. Unfortunately, there are imbedded spaces in the path that I cannot eliminate. David
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Re: command line issue - DOS commands following dbviscmd do not execute?
Hi David, Not sure I can help you with the DOS part, but you can get the current date in the filename for the export directly. Please see the Users Guide: The User Guide describes this for the GUI-based export features, but the same is true for the @export command parameters, so this works: @export set filename="\\server\Production Counts\PrdCnt_${dbvis-date}$.xlsx ... Best Regards, Hans