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massive amount of log(?) files in windows temp directory

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Hello, I just came to stumble upon a massive amout of files in my windows temp directory. There is about 27.000 of them, each 1kB in size with the same creation datetime (within 5 minutes) and all starting with dbvis-[number].exe or .txt e.g. dbvis-1462910175435069228.exe dbvis-1847678353929946305.txt Each text files contains a sql command, most of them I certainly never issued against our databases and I am not sure why dbvis would so on its own, e.g. CREATE TABLE SYS.LOGMNRLT_503832_IND$ TABLESPACE "LOGMINER" LOGGING AS SELECT * FROM SYS.LOGMNRT_IND$ WHERE 1 = 2 Is there a logical explanation for those files? Has it something to do with dbvis logging enabled? Thanks, Raik

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Re: massive amount of log(?) files in windows temp directory
Raik, As you've probably done already, those files can be deleted. We've released 9.2.1 and it now includes an extra safety removal of temporary files in case the first fail... Hopefully this will minimize the risk of leaving temp files between sessions. Regards Roger
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Re: massive amount of log(?) files in windows temp directory
I don't usually drag and and drop these kind of objects, so I can't confirm that this is the source of the bug. Thanks for the info and the fix though. Keep up the good work, we appreciate your effort to constantly improve DBVisualizer!
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Re: massive amount of log(?) files in windows temp directory
Raik, Thanks a lot for the details. The only time these temporary files are created is during drag and copy of binary/BLOB and CLOB cells in a grid. We've just checked the code and even though there are no obvious reason it should happen a tweak has been added. Hopefully this will solve the issue. If you by any chance jump into the problem again please let us know. The fix will be available in 9.2.1 planned for release during this week. Regards Roger
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Re: massive amount of log(?) files in windows temp directory
Roger, creation date was 2014/11/26 13:08 - 2014/11/26 13:12. They were created 2 months ago, so I can not recall if there were any issues. But certainly there was no major malfunction. Also the Windows event log does not show unusual activity as far as I can see.
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Re: massive amount of log(?) files in windows temp directory
Raik, Thanks! What is the creation date for the files? (First/Last interval). Were they created recently? Do remember if at the time frame when they were created, either DbVisualizer didn't work properly or even the OS? It is clearly an issue in DbVisualizer. I am just trying to figure out what may have caused it. These temporary files are (should be) removed automaticaly. Any additional details you can share is appreciated. Regards Roger
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Re: massive amount of log(?) files in windows temp directory
Sorry, forgot to mention that Product: DbVisualizer Pro 9.1.9 Build: #2154 (2014/06/16 16:42) Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM Java Version: 1.7.0_72 Java Vendor: Oracle Corporation OS Name: Windows 7 OS Arch: x86 OS Version: 6.1
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Re: massive amount of log(?) files in windows temp directory
Raik, Which DbVisualizer version, OS version and Java version are you using? Regards Roger