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DB2 UDB connection issue

[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

While trying to connect to DB2 UDB (db2 on unix) through dbvisualiser 9.1.2 the following error is coming when we 'connect' An error occurred while establishing the connection: Long Message: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-1060, SQLSTATE=08004, SQLERRMC=A0265558, DRIVER=4.15.82 Details:    Type:    Error Code: -1060    SQL State: 08004 Please assist. Thanks.
1 Comment

[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]

Re: DB2 UDB connection issue
Hi, Googling a bit I found that SQLCODE=-1060 means that the user does not have the CONNECT privilege, so the DBA needs to grant this privilege to the user. If you check the Show Detailed Error Messages checkbox in the Options area of the Connection tab, you will get error codes translated into meaningful text automatically. Best Regards, Hans