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Object filtering using "is in" operator broken after DbVisualizer restart

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I've created a set of table filters for my Oracle schema including "is in" operator. While it works all fine right after creation, it stops to do so if DbVisualizer is restarted. Looks like list of values separated by semicolon is read as one value after restart. For example when creating filter you can enter each value in a separate line which DbVisualizer translates later to semicolons. When opening edit box again semicolons are not visible and each value is in its separate line. But after DbVisualizer restart all values in set are in single row separated by semicolon like whole set was read as one value (see screenshot).

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Re: Object filtering using "is in" operator broken after DbVisualizer restart
Jan, Thanks for letting us know about this. I've confirmed the issue and will look into a fix. Regards Roger
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Re: Object filtering using "is in" operator broken after DbVisualizer restart
Jan, This is now fixed in 9.2.7. Use Help->Check for Update to upgrade or download manually from: Regards Roger