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Unable to expand available memory

[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Hi, I'm unable to expand the memory available to Dbvisualizer. I am using version 9.2.8 of Dbvis, and had earlier today been able to use up to 600mb of memory. Something has changed - I don't know what - and it is now stuck at 170m. The option isn't present to do this via Tools -> Tool Properties -> General and increasing the XMX size in the dbvis.vmoptions file doesn't change the 170m available memory. Does anyone know what is going on? I have reinstalled Dbvis, and tried an earlier version with no luck. I have also tried updating Java with no effect and also tried deleting the dbvis.vmoptions file totally. Nothing I try will increase the memory above 170m. Thank you

[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]

Re: Unable to expand available memory
Hi, You said at one point it didn't start. When this happens do you get any error message? Please post a screenshot. The amount of RAM available for Java on a 32 bit configuration is a lot restricted that on a 64 bit system. It may be so that other processes on the machine have allocated so much memory that Java fail to initiate with the amount specified in the dbvis.vmoptions file. Have you tried rebooting? I assume you have checked this web page: I have tried increasing and decreasing -Xmx on both 32 and 64 bits Windows and it works fine both through the Tools->Tool Properties settings and the dbvis.vmoptions file. To better understand your configuration please use the Help->Contact Support. Regards Roger
[This reply is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Re: Unable to expand available memory
Hi, I'm using Windows 7 Enterprise. I've used the 32bit setup installer on the main download page. The exact string I've used is -Xmx100m however I think that perhaps dbivs may not be the problem as even when I stipulate a 100m limit it still refuses to open. Only when I delete the dbvis.vmoptions file completely will dbvis open, and display a memory limit of 170m. Perhaps Java is the issue? I've updated Java, perhaps I should try an older version? Thanks
[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]

Re: Unable to expand available memory
Hi, Are you on Windows, Linux or Mac OS X? Which installer did you use; the one doing the installation with a setup user interface or one of the zip files? What is the exact -Xmx string you specify? Easiest is if you open Help->Contact Support in DbVisualizer and report the issue. It supplies some useful information that we use to better point to the actual problem. Regards Roger