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Querying timeout

[This topic is migrated from our old forums. The original author name has been removed]

Hello, I am running a select query against Phoenix 4.2 on Hbase 1.0 using DbVisualizer Pro 9.2.13 (Windows 64 bit), and it's timing out in 10 minutes. I couldn't find the config setting that would overwrite the default execution timeout, and I also tried to extend the connect alive, but it didn?t work either. How can I overwrite the default execution timeout? Thanks
1 Comment

[This reply is migrated from our old forums.]

Re: Querying timeout
Hi, This sounds like a timeout either in the database server, the JDBC driver, or at the network level. I'm afraid we do not have any experience with Phoenix on Hbase so you have to look at the docs for this product and/or consult the user community for the product. In general, I suggest that you look at JDBC properties first, and also at database configuration options. DbVisualizer Connection Keep-Alive does not help in this case, since DbVisualizer does not "ping" a connection that is actively used for executing statements in an SQL Commander. Best Regards, Hans