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DbVisualizer now available

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Hi, DbVisualizer (early access) is now available: Best Regards Roger

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Re: DbVisualizer now available
Hi Hans,

here's the result.


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Re: DbVisualizer now available
Thanks Dirk, I need the value of one more column, so can you please run this query for one of the "r.tabid" values from the previous query? SELECT t.owner, t.tabname, i.idxname, i.part1, i.part2, i.part3, i.part4, i.part5, i.part6, i.part7, i.part8, i.part9, i.part10, i.part11, i.part12, i.part13, i.part14, i.part15, i.part16 FROM informix.systables t, informix.sysindexes i WHERE t.tabid = i.tabid AND t.tabid = Regards, Hans
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Re: DbVisualizer now available - long runs
Hi Roger,

the updates I meant are bookmarks and connections. For other os's I will see if I can reproduce this on macosX. For the updates: sometimes I quit dbvis only to make sure I keep all info, before I start something that could run into problems. A safe config button would be very welcome for me ...

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Re: DbVisualizer now available - long runs
Ronald, We did a few changes in to hopefully fix this. Does this happen with other OSes as well? What do you mean with "last updates"? Drivers, bookmarks and other settings or changes in the actual database? If you mean changes in terms of application settings then these are stored not only at a clean exit but also during some activities in DbVisualizer. Regards Roger
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Re: DbVisualizer now available - long runs
I see dbvis still has problems when I leave it running for a while. In the weekend it becomes unresponsive and the only way to stop it is to kill the process using the XP task manager. This is a pity since dbvis does not store it's last updates. To me it looks like it only stores the config at quit time and only when it get's a clean stop, not when it's forced to stop.

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Re: DbVisualizer now available
... and here's the rest. Thanks for looking into that!

08:23:31 [DEBUG Thread-16 L.prepareStatement] SQL: SELECT t.owner, t.tabname, i.part1, i.part2, i.part3, i.part4, i.part5, i.part6, i.part7, i.part8, i.part9, i.part10, i.part11, i.part12, i.part13, i.part14, i.part15, i.part16 FROM informix.systables t, informix.sysindexes i WHERE t.tabid = i.tabid AND t.tabid = 100
08:23:31 [DEBUG Thread-16 L.prepareStatement] nativeSQL from driver: SELECT t.owner, t.tabname, i.part1, i.part2, i.part3, i.part4, i.part5, i.part6, i.part7, i.part8, i.part9, i.part10, i.part11, i.part12, i.part13, i.part14, i.part15, i.part16 FROM informix.systables t, informix.sysindexes i WHERE t.tabid = i.tabid AND t.tabid = 100
08:23:31 [DEBUG AWT-EventQueue-1 H.?] Edit not allowed: More then one table is referenced in the FROM clause
08:23:41 [DEBUG Thread-17 L.setCurrentCatalog] DbConnection='dirk_flens' Catalog='dirk_flens' Schema='null' NewCatalog='dirk_flens'
08:23:41 [DEBUG Thread-17 L.execute] Executing...
08:23:41 [DEBUG Thread-17 L.prepareStatement] SQL: SELECT t.owner, t.tabname, i.part1, i.part2, i.part3, i.part4, i.part5, i.part6, i.part7, i.part8, i.part9, i.part10, i.part11, i.part12, i.part13, i.part14, i.part15, i.part16 FROM informix.systables t, informix.sysindexes i WHERE t.tabid = i.tabid AND t.tabid = 103
08:23:41 [DEBUG Thread-17 L.prepareStatement] nativeSQL from driver: SELECT t.owner, t.tabname, i.part1, i.part2, i.part3, i.part4, i.part5, i.part6, i.part7, i.part8, i.part9, i.part10, i.part11, i.part12, i.part13, i.part14, i.part15, i.part16 FROM informix.systables t, informix.sysindexes i WHERE t.tabid = i.tabid AND t.tabid = 103
08:23:41 [DEBUG AWT-EventQueue-1 H.?] Edit not allowed: More then one table is referenced in the FROM clause

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Re: DbVisualizer now available
Hi Hans,
here's the debugging output from the first statement, the result is attached as a csv.

08:19:01 [DEBUG Thread-13 L.setCurrentCatalog] DbConnection='dirk_flens' Catalog='dirk_flens' Schema='null' NewCatalog='dirk_flens'
08:19:01 [DEBUG Thread-13 L.execute] Executing...
08:19:01 [DEBUG Thread-13 L.prepareStatement] SQL: SELECT c.constrname, i.part1, i.part2, i.part3, i.part4, i.part5, i.part6, i.part7, i.part8, i.part9, i.part10, i.part11, i.part12, i.part13, i.part14, i.part15, i.part16, r.ptabid, r.primary, r.delrule FROM informix.systables t, informix.sysindexes i, informix.sysconstraints c, informix.sysreferences r WHERE t.tabid = i.tabid AND i.idxname = c.idxname AND c.constrid = r.constrid AND c.constrtype = 'R' AND t.tabname = 'map_server_dienste' AND t.owner = 'informix'
08:19:01 [DEBUG Thread-13 L.prepareStatement] nativeSQL from driver: SELECT c.constrname, i.part1, i.part2, i.part3, i.part4, i.part5, i.part6, i.part7, i.part8, i.part9, i.part10, i.part11, i.part12, i.part13, i.part14, i.part15, i.part16, r.ptabid, r.primary, r.delrule FROM informix.systables t, informix.sysindexes i, informix.sysconstraints c, informix.sysreferences r WHERE t.tabid = i.tabid AND i.idxname = c.idxname AND c.constrid = r.constrid AND c.constrtype = 'R' AND t.tabname = 'map_server_dienste' AND t.owner = 'informix'
08:19:01 [DEBUG AWT-EventQueue-1 H.?] Edit not allowed: More then one table is referenced in the FROM clause

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Re: DbVisualizer now available
Dirk, One more things. Can you please run this query as well: SELECT t.owner, t.tabname, i.part1, i.part2, i.part3, i.part4, i.part5, i.part6, i.part7, i.part8, i.part9, i.part10, i.part11, i.part12, i.part13, i.part14, i.part15, i.part16 FROM informix.systables t, informix.sysindexes i WHERE t.tabid = i.tabid AND t.tabid = where is the "r.tabid" value from the query I asked you to run earlier. Thanks, Hans
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Re: DbVisualizer now available
Hi Dirk, Thanks for the debug page; we're getting closer. Can you please run the following SQL statement in the SQL Commander and post the result? SELECT c.constrname, i.part1, i.part2, i.part3, i.part4, i.part5, i.part6, i.part7, i.part8, i.part9, i.part10, i.part11, i.part12, i.part13, i.part14, i.part15, i.part16, r.ptabid, r.primary, r.delrule FROM informix.systables t, informix.sysindexes i, informix.sysconstraints c, informix.sysreferences r WHERE t.tabid = i.tabid AND i.idxname = c.idxname AND c.constrid = r.constrid AND c.constrtype = 'R' AND t.tabname = 'map_server_dienste' AND t.owner = 'informix' It seems like it returns different results for Informix 9 and 10, which would explain the problem and hopefully point to a solution (I may need you help with more tests depending on where this leads). Thanks, Hans
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Re: DbVisualizer now available

thanks for the fix, users and roles are working now.

@ Hans:
Here's the complete debugging output.

Thanks guys for working on those bugs. DBVis is getting pretty usable with Informix 9.xx  ;-)

(not to mention that there isn't much else on the market to compete price)

So thanks again,
16:42:03 [DEBUG AWT-EventQueue-1 L.execute] Executing...
16:42:03 [DEBUG AWT-EventQueue-1 L.prepareStatement] SQL: SELECT
    tabtype   = 'T'
    and tabid > 99
    and owner like 'informix'
    and tabname like 'map_server_dienste'
16:42:03 [DEBUG AWT-EventQueue-1 L.prepareStatement] nativeSQL from driver: SELECT
    tabtype   = 'T'
    and tabid > 99
    and owner like 'informix'
    and tabname like 'map_server_dienste'
16:42:03 [DEBUG AWT-EventQueue-1 B.execute] Total rows/columns: 1/20. Rows after filtering: 1
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.setCurrentCatalog] DbConnection='dirk_flens' Catalog='dirk_flens' Schema='null' NewCatalog='dirk_flens'
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.execute] Executing...
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 O.?] index=[1] name=[name] value=[map_server_dienste] type=[String] options=[]
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 O.?] index=[2] name=[schema] value=[informix] type=[String] options=[]
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.prepareStatement] SQL: SELECT     owner,     tabname FROM     informix.systables WHERE     tabname   = ?    AND owner = ?
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.prepareStatement] nativeSQL from driver: SELECT     owner,     tabname FROM     informix.systables WHERE     tabname   = ?    AND owner = ?
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.setCurrentCatalog] DbConnection='dirk_flens' Catalog='dirk_flens' Schema='null' NewCatalog='dirk_flens'
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.execute] Executing...
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 O.?] index=[1] name=[name] value=[map_server_dienste] type=[String] options=[]
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 O.?] index=[2] name=[schema] value=[informix] type=[String] options=[]
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.prepareStatement] SQL: SELECT     c.colname,     c.coltype,     c.collength,     d.default,     c.colno FROM     informix.systables t,     informix.syscolumns c,     OUTER(informix.sysdefaults d) WHERE     t.tabid       = c.tabid     AND c.tabid   = d.tabid     AND c.colno   = d.colno     AND t.tabname = ?    and t.owner   = ?ORDER BY     c.colno
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.prepareStatement] nativeSQL from driver: SELECT     c.colname,     c.coltype,     c.collength,     d.default,     c.colno FROM     informix.systables t,     informix.syscolumns c,     OUTER(informix.sysdefaults d) WHERE     t.tabid       = c.tabid     AND c.tabid   = d.tabid     AND c.colno   = d.colno     AND t.tabname = ?    and t.owner   = ?ORDER BY     c.colno
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.setCurrentCatalog] DbConnection='dirk_flens' Catalog='dirk_flens' Schema='null' NewCatalog='dirk_flens'
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.execute] Executing...
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 O.?] index=[1] name=[name] value=[map_server_dienste] type=[String] options=[]
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 O.?] index=[2] name=[schema] value=[informix] type=[String] options=[]
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.prepareStatement] SQL: SELECT     c.constrname,     i.part1,     i.part2,     i.part3,     i.part4,     i.part5,     i.part6,     i.part7,     i.part8,     i.part9,     i.part10,     i.part11,     i.part12,     i.part13,     i.part14,     i.part15,     i.part16 FROM     informix.systables t,     informix.sysindexes i,     informix.sysconstraints c WHERE     t.tabid          = i.tabid     AND i.idxname    = c.idxname     AND c.constrtype    = 'P'     AND t.tabname = ?    and t.owner   = ?
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.prepareStatement] nativeSQL from driver: SELECT     c.constrname,     i.part1,     i.part2,     i.part3,     i.part4,     i.part5,     i.part6,     i.part7,     i.part8,     i.part9,     i.part10,     i.part11,     i.part12,     i.part13,     i.part14,     i.part15,     i.part16 FROM     informix.systables t,     informix.sysindexes i,     informix.sysconstraints c WHERE     t.tabid          = i.tabid     AND i.idxname    = c.idxname     AND c.constrtype    = 'P'     AND t.tabname = ?    and t.owner   = ?
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.setCurrentCatalog] DbConnection='dirk_flens' Catalog='dirk_flens' Schema='null' NewCatalog='dirk_flens'
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.execute] Executing...
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 O.?] index=[1] name=[name] value=[map_server_dienste] type=[String] options=[]
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 O.?] index=[2] name=[schema] value=[informix] type=[String] options=[]
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 O.?] index=[3] name=[colId] value=[1] type=[Integer] options=[]
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.prepareStatement] SQL: SELECT     c.colname FROM     informix.systables t,     informix.syscolumns c WHERE     t.tabid       = c.tabid     AND t.tabname = ?    AND t.owner   = ?    AND c.colno  = ?
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.prepareStatement] nativeSQL from driver: SELECT     c.colname FROM     informix.systables t,     informix.syscolumns c WHERE     t.tabid       = c.tabid     AND t.tabname = ?    AND t.owner   = ?    AND c.colno  = ?
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.setCurrentCatalog] DbConnection='dirk_flens' Catalog='dirk_flens' Schema='null' NewCatalog='dirk_flens'
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.execute] Executing...
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 O.?] index=[1] name=[name] value=[map_server_dienste] type=[String] options=[]
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 O.?] index=[2] name=[schema] value=[informix] type=[String] options=[]
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 O.?] index=[3] name=[colId] value=[2] type=[Integer] options=[]
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.prepareStatement] SQL: SELECT     c.colname FROM     informix.systables t,     informix.syscolumns c WHERE     t.tabid       = c.tabid     AND t.tabname = ?    AND t.owner   = ?    AND c.colno  = ?
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.prepareStatement] nativeSQL from driver: SELECT     c.colname FROM     informix.systables t,     informix.syscolumns c WHERE     t.tabid       = c.tabid     AND t.tabname = ?    AND t.owner   = ?    AND c.colno  = ?
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.setCurrentCatalog] DbConnection='dirk_flens' Catalog='dirk_flens' Schema='null' NewCatalog='dirk_flens'
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.execute] Executing...
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 O.?] index=[1] name=[name] value=[map_server_dienste] type=[String] options=[]
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 O.?] index=[2] name=[schema] value=[informix] type=[String] options=[]
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.prepareStatement] SQL: SELECT     c.constrname,     i.part1,     i.part2,     i.part3,     i.part4,     i.part5,     i.part6,     i.part7,     i.part8,     i.part9,     i.part10,     i.part11,     i.part12,     i.part13,     i.part14,     i.part15,     i.part16,     r.ptabid,     r.primary,     r.delrule FROM     informix.systables t,     informix.sysindexes i,     informix.sysconstraints c,     informix.sysreferences r WHERE     t.tabid          = i.tabid     AND i.idxname    = c.idxname     AND c.constrid   = r.constrid     AND c.constrtype = 'R'     AND t.tabname    = ?    AND t.owner = ?
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.prepareStatement] nativeSQL from driver: SELECT     c.constrname,     i.part1,     i.part2,     i.part3,     i.part4,     i.part5,     i.part6,     i.part7,     i.part8,     i.part9,     i.part10,     i.part11,     i.part12,     i.part13,     i.part14,     i.part15,     i.part16,     r.ptabid,     r.primary,     r.delrule FROM     informix.systables t,     informix.sysindexes i,     informix.sysconstraints c,     informix.sysreferences r WHERE     t.tabid          = i.tabid     AND i.idxname    = c.idxname     AND c.constrid   = r.constrid     AND c.constrtype = 'R'     AND t.tabname    = ?    AND t.owner = ?
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.setCurrentCatalog] DbConnection='dirk_flens' Catalog='dirk_flens' Schema='null' NewCatalog='dirk_flens'
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.execute] Executing...
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 O.?] index=[1] name=[tableId] value=[100] type=[Long] options=[]
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 O.?] index=[2] name=[name] value=[100_7] type=[String] options=[]
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.prepareStatement] SQL: SELECT     t.owner,     t.tabname,     i.part1,     i.part2,     i.part3,     i.part4,     i.part5,     i.part6,     i.part7,     i.part8,     i.part9,     i.part10,     i.part11,     i.part12,     i.part13,     i.part14,     i.part15,     i.part16 FROM     informix.systables t,     informix.sysindexes i WHERE     t.tabid             = i.tabid     AND t.tabid         = ?    AND trim(i.idxname) = ?
16:42:05 [DEBUG Thread-21 L.prepareStatement] nativeSQL from driver: SELECT     t.owner,     t.tabname,     i.part1,     i.part2,     i.part3,     i.part4,     i.part5,     i.part6,     i.part7,     i.part8,     i.part9,     i.part10,     i.part11,     i.part12,     i.part13,     i.part14,     i.part15,     i.part16 FROM     informix.systables t,     informix.sysindexes i WHERE     t.tabid             = i.tabid     AND t.tabid         = ?    AND trim(i.idxname) = ?
e = java.lang.NullPointerException
    at com.onseven.dbvis.R.A.D.?(Unknown Source)
    at com.onseven.dbvis.R.A.D.?(Unknown Source)
    at com.onseven.dbvis.a.F.B.F.?(Unknown Source)
    at com.onseven.dbvis.a.B.A.B$A.execute(Unknown Source)
    at com.onseven.dbvis.F.B.H.construct(Unknown Source)
    at se.pureit.swing.util.SwingWorker$ Source)
    at Source)

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Re: DbVisualizer now available
Yes, the exception happend when choosing Alter table using DB2 against DB2 AS/400 mainframe... When choosing the correct type, z/OS, the Alter table feature is not available anymore...

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Re: DbVisualizer now available
This is when using DB2 z/OS and enabling only defaul schema yes....

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Re: DbVisualizer now available
Bjørn, Is the exception you reported a couple of days ago also a result of opening the Alter Table feature with DB2 on AS/400? Regards Roger
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Re: DbVisualizer now available
DB2 AS/400? Roger
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Re: DbVisualizer now available
But I discovered a "bug/feature"...
If I enable to only show default database/schema, DbVis still shows all the schemas...

Is this a know feature or?