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The "Check for Update" dialog should have fixed width and height

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Hi, just a minor GUI issue: The dialog window "Check for Updates" should have a fixed width and height, and *not* be resizable by the user. Regards,

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Re: The "Check for Update" dialog should have fixed width and height
Hi, This has now been fixed in the latest 7.0.1 version. Best Regards Roger
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Re: The "Check for Update" dialog should have fixed width and height
HI, We will fix the resizable and truncated window in the next version. Thanks! Regards Roger
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Re: The "Check for Update" dialog should have fixed width and height
Hi Roger, currently, the default window size is too small for displaying a version check correctly (see attached picture). Regards, Freewater
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Re: The "Check for Update" dialog should have fixed width and height
Hi Roger, if resized by the user to a smaller size than intended by the GUI designer, buttons may overlap or vanish, and text may be hidden. Regards,
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Re: The "Check for Update" dialog should have fixed width and height
I would guess because it remembers it's size when closed so if you resize it and then reopen it, it can show as the attached image. That said, for it to be a problem you would have to manage to forget that you resized it originally and how to fix it. You'd also have to leave DBVisualizer open constantly as it fixes itself once the application is re-executed.
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Re: The "Check for Update" dialog should have fixed width and height
HI, Why is resizing such a problem? Regards Roger