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710.1555 - Long object filter prevents adding of any more object filters

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Hi, This was reported in a reply to a previous issue ( but it's probably wise I point it out as an issue in it's own right as it prevents the quick adding and modifying of object filters. The reasoning for this is that I normally have one long object filter line that removes pointless stored procedures/tables (backups, temporary versions, procs for basic CRUD operations, etc) and then I regularly alter a 2nd filter line to show only the tables/procedures that relate directly to the system I'm working in at the time. Combined with the previous bug reported, this makes dbvisualiser very slow to use when you have many tables or stored procedures in a database as you're resigned to scrolling up/down constantly rather than using the keyboard or filtering to only the tables/procs you're interested in. I've attached a couple of images for clarification of the issue.

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Re: 710.1555 - Long object filter prevents adding of any more object filters
Hi, The long filter name issue is now fixed in the 7.1 version. Regards Roger
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Re: 710.1555 - Long object filter prevents adding of any more object filter
Hi, There are other improvements that are needed in this area, for sure, but this was easy to fix so it's already done. The other issues will take a bit longer to resolve. Best Regards, Hans
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Re: 710.1555 - Long object filter prevents adding of any more object filter
Hi Hans, Thanks but considering the recent discussions about other multiple object filter issues: ... it may not be worth fixing for the time being. No doubt when the object filter is re-engineered in some future version, it'll fix itself
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Re: 710.1555 - Long object filter prevents adding of any more object filter
Hi, Thanks for posting screenshots. They really helped us understand the problem. This will be fixed in the next EA or the final release. Best Regards, Hans