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DBvis doesn't show sqlpl code of function/procedure calls java(DB2 for LUW)

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DBvis with DB2 for LUW doesn't show sqlpl code of function/procedure calls java class: Screenshort 1 - DBvis 90.1866. Screenshort 2 - TOAD for DB2 freeware. In DBvis Programm Tab with such functions and procedures is always blank. The database, user and function on the screenshorts are the same. Edited by: Evg on Nov 23, 2012 4:03 PM Edited by: Evg on Nov 23, 2012 4:09 PM

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Re: DBvis doesn't show sqlpl code of function/procedure calls java(DB2 for LUW)
After some reflection, I think that TOAD generates code of such functions on the fly from the values of the tables syscat.FUNCTIONS or sysibm.ROUTINES: select * from syscat.FUNCTIONS where funcname = '' select * from sysibm.ROUTINES where routine_name = '' Nevertheless this feature is useful. It will be good if you make the same. Edited by: Evg on Nov 23, 2012 4:18 PM
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Re: DBvis doesn't show sqlpl code of function/procedure calls java(DB2 for LUW)
Hi, Thanks for the suggestion. I will open a ticket for this. Best Regards, Hans
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Re: DBvis doesn't show sqlpl code of function/procedure calls java(DB2 for LUW)
Hi, This is now fixed in the just released 9.1.2 version. Regards Roger