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Specifying SQLite file/database name on command line?

Using the dbvis command line tool, is there anyway to specify the SQLite file/table using the command line?  

The documentation indicates that a connection name used on the command line should have been created using the GUI. For SQLite, this seems like overkill.

Alternatively, is there any documentation on the underlying connection definition files?  Perhaps I could build my own connection programmatically without using the GUI?

Hi Tom,

It's great to hear you have such high opinion of our product! The current version (9.5, just released yesterday) offers support for export via the command line, but import requires using the GUI. Import via the command line is a priority for the next feature version.

Best Regards,


Thanks for the quick feedback.

Dbvis is probably overkill for what I'm trying to do; I need to, daily, import billions of rows into multiple  SQLite tables and the SQLite .import facilities are too simplistic and have wonky rules for comma/quote processing.  My fervent hope is that dbvis, being my database workhorse/lifeguard/savior, can get this data in, via the command line, harder/better/faster/stronger. 

Hi Tom,

The connections must be created with the GUI. Even though it may seem like overkill for SQLite, DbVisualizer supports lots of database types and most require more connection set up.

All info about connections is stored in the HOME/.dbvis/config70/dbvis.xml file. If you create an SQLite connection with the GUI and then look at the corresponding XML elements for the connection in dbvis.xml, you see what is needed. Be aware that the ID for each connection must be unique! Also, generating or updating this file manually is undocumented and unsupported; make sure you have a backup of the original file!

Best Regards,


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