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Editor Color Formatting When Escaping Single Quotes

When I escape a single quote ( \' ), the editor still counts it as a quote making the rest of my code red.





    translate(T1.SourceSite, '.#-,/&\'','') as SourceSite,


    coalesce(T1.Quantity,0) as Quantity,


    T1.max_actual_delivery_date as ArrivalTime,


I found this post ( from 9 years ago with the final reply saying this issue was fixed 6 years ago, however, I am having this issue today. I have searched the settings over and over looking for a way to specify an escape character or something that might alleviate this. It is more of an annoyance than anything but I'd like to fix it or workaround it if I can.

My Version: DbVisualizer Pro 9.5.4 [Build #2601] 

Hi Mark,

The color-coding is database type dependent, so if you select a Database Connection for MySQL that has Database Type set to Auto Detect (or MySQL), the escaped single quote is recognized as such.

Best Regards,


Thanks Hans. 

That is good info. I guess my problem is that I am not connecting to MySQL. 

I connect to DB2 LUW, HDFS Hive/Impala, Netezza, Oracle and other databases. Some of these use '\' as their escape character but DBVis' color-coding for those database connections don't recognize this. 

I've searched and searched, is there no way to manually edit the color-coding settings for a specific database type?


Hi Mark,

Can you point me to any documentation for Oracle, DB2 etc that describes that a backslash can be used to escape a single quote? All I find when Googling is that these databases (at least Oracle and DB2 LUW)  follow the ANSI-SQL standard of duplicating the single-quote instead of escaping it with a backslash. As far as I know, it is only MySQL that accepts a backslash escape, but I may be wrong...

Best Regards,


Sorry, you're correct. I was too broad in my statement. The problem is HDFS. DBVis only has a Database Connection for Apache Hive and not for Cloudera Impala. I connect to HDFS through Impala but I have to use the Hive Database Connection in DBVis. Hive uses the same standard as DB2, Oracle and others. However, Impala uses the \ character.

So I guess my real question is this: Is there a way to edit the color-coding settings in a DBVis database connection or possibly create a new, custom one for my Impala connection?


Hi Mark,

Okay, then I understand. Today, it is tied directly to the Database Type and there is no way to enable support for backslash escape for other Database Types than MySQL. I will open a ticket for looking into if this could be made into a connection property instead, so it can be enabled or disabled for any Database Type.

Best Regards,



Thank you for help. It is much appreciated.


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