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DbVis 10.0 - Auto complete not working on column names (mysql)

Having an issue with the new 10.0 version. Auto-complete only works on table names int he from statement, but does not work on column names in either the select or where statement.


1 person has this question

I have answered Maciej directly, but this may be of interest to others as well.

Looking at this again, I found that it fails if the case of the table identifier in the query does not match the case used in the database. For instance, if you specify the table name as uppercase in the query but it is declared in the database as lowercase (e.g. MY_TABLE vs my_table).

We are hesitant to change the code for this to be case insensitive, because MySQL does not really have a default for identifier case. Please see the MySQL docs for more:

I assume that Auto Completion inserts the identifiers in uppercase in your configuration. To avoid this problem, open Tools->Tool Properties and select the General/SQL Commander/Auto Completion category, and then select Default for the Case for Auto Completed Names setting.

Best Regards,


I updated to 10.0.6. Still have the same issues. It's really strange. There's certain things that will break the auto-complete. Copy and paste is the main one. It doesn't matter where I'm coping from, it could be tab to tab, but once it stops working in a tab it won't start again. Sometimes it will break for just tables in a different schema. I put in a support request. 

The auto complete will only break for columns, it continues to work for tables.  



Please upgrade to 10.0.6 if you haven't done so already. We have made some changes that may be related to this.

If you have the same problem, with 10.0.6, first look at Tools->Tool Properties under General/Key Bindings to make sure that the correct keymap is active. If you used to use the Default mapping, it may have changed to the platform-specific mapping during the upgrade.

If that still doesn't solve the problem, does this happen only when you copy from a certain application into DbVisualizer? May there be some invisible special character being copied?

If all else fails, please perform the steps I asked for earlier, i.e. reconnect (to clear caches) to the database, open Tools->Debug Window and enable debugging. Then trigger auto-completion for columns.

Use Help->Contact Support to submit a support request, making sure Attach Logs is enabled so we can see what is going on. Also, please include the exact text of the SQL Commander tab and mark where the caret is placed when triggering column auto-completion.

Best Regards,


Deleting the .dbivs folder got auto-complete working, but I'm still having constant issues. If i copy and paste code into a tab, auto-complete will instantly stop working on column names for that tab.If i just write the code out myself it works fine. I keep having to go back to 9.5 as the bugs in 10 make using it unbearable. 

Careful! That directory is where all your settings, database connections, settings, unsaved queries, pretty much everything is stored. You probably don't want to delete that directory
Resolved deleting the .dbvis folder in my home.


Same problem here. It seems like when you are in a text edit field all shortcuts are disabled, because I can't do a copy-paste of the filter or even of the data of a certain cell when selected.

I'm using DbVis 10 on a Mac OSX. Don't know if it is platform specific.


I've noticed this too. I will try to reproduce it for you

Hi Maciej,

I'm unable to reproduce this problem with my MySQL test database. Please reconnect (to clear caches) to the database, open Tools->Debug Window and enable debugging. Then trigger auto-completion for columns.

Use Help->Contact Support to submit a support request, making sure Attach Logs is enabled so we can see what is going on. Also, please include the exact text of the SQL Commander tab and mark where the caret is placed when triggering column auto-completion.

Best Regards,


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