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Can't able to connect to mysql database

Hello Guys,

i am new to db visualizer software, i have created the database with name abc.

But i could not able to connect to my database. I am getting an error message when i click the connect button.


   Type: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException

   SQL State: 08S01

When i clicked the ping server button. I am getting an error message.

this is an error.

Cannot connect to 'localhost' on port 3306

Please verify that you have specified a correct server (host) name and port number.

please anybody help me, i have wasted a lot of time to resolve this error.

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1 person has this question


In DbVisualizer connect to MySQL and the open Help->Contact Support to open a support ticket.



Hi Hans,

Even I am facing the same issue.

Please let me know what could be done.



It looks like you submitted a support request about the same question, and that Ulf answered the support request. Please respond to the support mail in case this is still unresolved.

Best Regards,


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